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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Common Questions from Our Arcado Parents…

School Policies and Procedures are established at every school to improve local systems and processes and to ensure the safety of our students, employees, and visitors. Arcado Elementary School is a place where every day more than 125 people come to work and 1150+ students come to learn. In corporate America, we would be considered a medium to large company. Certainly, we are not a company per say but we are accountable to our stakeholders for ensuring continuous improvement in teaching and learning, and to provide a campus that is safe for all.

In order to assist you in learning about the policies and procedures at Arcado, we are including a list of frequently asked questions from parents to our front office staff. It is our goal for our school website and the Arcado Parent/Student Handbook to be a resource for answering your questions. We will continue to add questions/answers as necessary. 

I want to visit my child’s classroom. Do I need to check in the front office first?

Unexpected visitors can be disruptive to the learning environment, therefore we ask that you refrain from visiting the classroom unless you have made arrangements with the teacher. If arrangements are made, you will check in the front office for a visitor pass before proceeding to the classroom.


My child’s birthday is today. Can I bring in cupcakes, balloons and goodie bags?

Celebrating birthdays at school: A child’s birthday is a special time in the life of a family. We understand that children will

want to celebrate with their classmates. A special treat (examples: cupcakes, cookies) provided by the parents during the class’s
scheduled snack time is acceptable. Please contact your child’s teacher (by email, handwritten note, or phone call) several days
in advance of your child’s birthday or the day you want to bring in the special treat. A treat bag for each member of the class is
acceptable as well just communicate that with the teacher. Please, NO cakes, balloons, or flowers.

Home Parties: If you are planning a birthday party for your child and want to invite the students in his/her class you may do
so. All children in the classroom must be invited to the party. We do not want children to be excluded from receiving a party
invitation. If your child is a boy and the party is just for boys then all of the boys in the classroom must be invited. The same
pertains to a girl only parties. Please make arrangements with the teacher (by email, handwritten note, or phone call) to let
her/him know that you are sending in the party invitations for distribution.


My child usually rides the bus home but I need him to be a car rider today. Can I call or send an email to make that change?

We cannot accept transportation changes over the phone or by email. Send in a written note with your child the morning you want her/him to be a car rider and we will take care of those arrangements for you. Please include the name of your child’s teacher and the make and color of your vehicle (example, Gold Honda Accord) in the note.

My child has a 3:00 dentist appointment. Can I check her out at 2:30?

The latest time to check out a student is 2:00.


How do I get my child’s teacher email address?

All school employees have the same ending to their email address: Simply insert the teacher’s first name, period (.the last name and ending. EXAMPLE:

You can also visit the faculty page for their contact information.


I need to speak to my child’s teacher. Can I come in early one morning and go to the classroom?

Mornings are busy times for our teachers as they are preparing for the school day, so please email your child’s teacher to arrange a convenient time to meet with or call her/him. Remember to include your phone number in the email. In the event that you do not have email access, the front office staff will be happy to take a message from you and send it to the teacher. NOTE: Teachers have 24 hours to respond to parent emails and phone calls.